A natural bath and body product company.
We specialize in cold process soap and shampoo bars, lotion bars, lip balms, and other body products. We use natural and organic ingredients with the end user in mind. With a nice selection of items for everyone. Check out our full line below.
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Looking for how to make some of your favorite foods at home? This class is great for beginners to intermediate cookers. We go over kitchen safety, different cooking methods, how to read a recipe, how to cook without a recipe for some foods, and touch on balanced diets through healthy eating. We also will talk about easy foods to keep at home that are quick and simple. This entails a total of 7 classes Starting June 5th running every other Thursday through August.
Location: Kitchen @ Lighthouse Community Church at 4321 S 11st St, Kalamazoo, MI
Dates: June 5th, June 19th, July 3rd, July 17th, July 31st, August 14th, August 28th
Time: 5:30-7:30pm
This company was founded on the belief that natural and organic ingredients and using what mother nature provides can bring you back to your old self. After years of reading box store labels for body products and not understanding the words written on the labels. This company decided it was time to revert back to the basics and use things that are real and found in nature. While many ingredients are certified organic many are instead wild foraged or locally sourced. We try to use minimal packaging and recyclable containers when needed. Everyday we think a little bit about how we are doing our part to give back to mother nature.
Danielle Rhoades
store owner
I started this company after years of making these products for myself. I made the switch to more natural options after struggling with issues of my own. After conquering my fear and taking the plunge into hand making all of these amazing products I've never looked back. I try to do what I believe is best for my family and my company.